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Logo 013022.tif

The Global Newborn Society aims to help reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality. Babies do not talk, or vote, and so, need help. This is a long page - we present our logo here in all its detail. In this page, we describe the details of the environment

The environment can make infancy difficult. The vulnerability of young infants shows in this logo in being alone in an open boat floating in an ocean. The lighter shades of blue in the sky look pleasant during good health. However, during periods of crisis, the same environment may appear lonely, featureless, and overwhelming. The world could then start looking indifferent. The sky is cloudless, the ocean is silent. It could well be a quiet zone, but what if it is not? Could this be the calm before, or the eye of, a storm? This is where we feel that we can make a difference by supporting the infant and the family. During illness, they struggle on multiple fronts.

boat, at least for now, looks stable. The initialisms on the gunwale, the G, N, and S, are our pillars of strength: Global coordination, Newborn health, and Social organization. The black color of these letters reminds of iron and its strength. The cast metal shows some rough edges in the letters G and S, but not in N, indicating that it is the outside world that needs to shape up; it is the job of us adults to polish the cradle and ensure safety of newborn infants. The upper curveline of the letter G seems to end in a sharp, pointed end that could hurt the infant, yet another reminder of the need for coordinated efforts to protect infants. This was one thought-process. Others did not find these letters so metallic but saw strings of a safely-wrapped neonate in a bow-tie swaddle that provided protective support. In this same logo, another set of viewers saw the infant, who, despite all developmental limitations, was the guide, not a passive traveler. This driver was seen at the bow, not the star board, holding the handlebars of a personal watercraft. The right hand gripped the cross-bar connections in the letter G and the left held the lower offshoot from the spine of the letter S. The upper part of S, which points inwards, could be a site for panoramic, introspective oversight. We request your forgiveness for us having knowingly played with names of different parts of the letters G and S; these hyperlinks to distant topics were chosen to describe the thoughts of our fellow members. In addition to the above interpretations of this painting, there were more; one reader saw bonding; the infant was being carried on a parent's back as is frequently seen in many cultures. Another saw collaborative teamwork; the infant held her/his parent's spectacles to direct the field of vision. As in any other organization, there were minor differences in interpretations but at the end of the day, every single baby counts.

In the first look, most of us art novices did not find the
ocean waves in this painting too deep or worrisome. Some experts saw a high-frequency oscillatory pattern in these ripples, the “ocean swells”, with a musical beauty in this motion. However, if these same waves were to collide in the deeper, dark blue oceanic waters, there could be dangerous turbulence. The good signs in our illustration were that even though there was no obvious surf, the mushy waves still pointed towards the shore. This all suggested that the coast could actually be closer than it seemed. We know about the ships and satellite systems that track ocean hydrodynamics. And this sequence looks analogous to healthcare interventions. Temporal oscillations in thinking have been seen both at individual and organizational levels. However, global coordination can provide important time- and region-specific insights. Scaling up is a proven way to reduce logistical costs - many large campaigns focused on vaccination, nutrition, and education have achieved laudable success. Working together can help find more, better solutions. And we must do so - integrated management is a recognized model for healthcare delivery. Implementation of the millenium development goals of the United Nations is an example; it provided a template for new programs to reduce perinatal mortality. A bold, transformative 2030 Agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals was then adopted. Goal 3, to ensure and promote health for all at all ages, aims to end preventable deaths of newborns (#3.2.2) and children.

This logo, a work of art, was a gift from Dr. Rachana Singh. She, and others who have tried to interpret it, have been inspirational. Quoting from Shakespeare (Sebastian, 12th Night, Act III, Scene 3), we can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks (L1505)!


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